Financing Options That Fit Your Needs

Hey, everybody, Shelly Willis here with Cannon Builder’s Dream Team. We talk all the time about financing options that are available. I still am finding that there are people out there that are unaware of this program and it is surprising.
This brings me to my story:
A couple came in today, we had an information session, found a house they loved and we priced it out. All is awesome in the world. We did everything and got to the part where they were ready to write a contract and their brakes went on. I’m like, “Okay guys, what’s going on here?” Come to find out, they are just moving back from out of state to this area, they’ve gotten pre-approved with FHA, which means 3.5% down and that’s where the brakes came on. She was like, “we’re just not ready to put the three and a half percent down because of moving costs and all of that good stuff we know that comes into play there.” I asked them some more questions and I realized that they would qualify for 100% financing with USDA!
Building In a Community
All of the communities that we build with Cannon Builders and the Cannon Builder’s Dream Team are in rural areas, which means 100% financing options are available. These folks being from out of town, had no idea what I was even talking about, but when I shared with them like, “guys we can start right away and you do not have to put down the 3.5% like with the FHA loan. Needless to say, they were ecstatic. I put them in contact with one of the amazing lenders that we use. We are going to start building their dream home in the area that they moved back to!
This situation made me realize that there are still people out there unaware of USDA financing. If this is you or somebody you know, let’s talk! You/they may very well qualify for a USDA. It is not hard at all. Whether you buy it from us or somebody else, I want you to be able to know that there are programs available for you out there.